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♥Tanjong Katong Pri
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Saturday, May 29, 2010
10:39:00 PM
Ohh, it's 31 May now ahhaah. umm, last 6 days was my b'day! Thankiew frens who had wishes me and also the surprise party! ahhaah LOVE YOU PPL! :DD hhaah kinda lazy to elaborate more, Results are back, hah guess wat same position again. But i did worse than CAs. It jus sucks. Well tmr going back to sch for supplementary, ohh man. alright, will update more. ((:
Monday, May 24, 2010
10:01:00 PM
Uhh, today... had chem test, guess what--- failed. == dhen math, quite boring. no mood to study today. had hymn singing thingy. Sore throat and flu, just sucks. After sch went out wiv amy and shannen. hah! (: awww tmr there's MASS. dun feel like going but have to go i guess. hopefully i'm nt sick again. Anw, today's EUG B'DAY HAHAHA! (: -Hope friendships last long and may all ur wishes come true. :DD
Sunday, May 23, 2010
2:43:00 PM
Ohh it's 23 may! (: HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY STEPH!♥ :D -Thankiew for providing junk food, esp sweets. HAHA.
Alright, past few days was horrible. Results are like crap. all are like borderline passing. == aww man & i failed math by 3. Sigh, no more EMB3. unexpected to pass my combine humans, first time in my life hahah. Report book is coming so soon. D: ohh well, Yay! Eug's b'day tmr! ♥ Mine in 2 days time, yipee! {:
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
12:54:00 AM
Uhoh . D:
Alright, now it's close to 1am & i havent even sleep. Shag . Finally finished my f&n like 1 hr ago. packed, went to my bed, going to lala land, dhen realise I forgot to edit something for F&N. Wtf.. & it's like only 3 words to edit. waste my time. & so cant sleep nao. ==
So tmr, I'm having my English & Math results. All the hardcore ones. Hopefully I dun flunk them. D:
Gotta go! :D
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
12:09:00 AM
AHEM! okay, so today went sch for F&N. Thought was late, but end up cher came later. == Fcukking stress up wiv f&n, as usual. She lost my work and claims tht I didnt hand in. Wtf, I have redo. Okayyyy skip~ Went Suntec wiv Steph. Meet Shu Jun, Pei Sian and Kaykay! hahah. Watch Last Song. Quite touching, damn nice thou. (Y) Headed to Orchard ION. errm shop thr, all quite expensive thou. went home with Steph after that, quite late yeah. eat, bathe.... ...Slack. :D Okay summaries up alr. (: ^Edited
Thursday, May 13, 2010
10:42:00 PM
It's over, yet more to come.
 Finally! end of MYE! it's like 1 month? had math paper 2 today. almost late heheh. paper was easy? so so. can cope thou. Rain heavily, felt like sleeping and yes i did. hahah! After exam, ate lunch? with tiff & amanda. Off we go, tiff and I went tamp to shop! Well, amanda couldnt come. D: well thr's always nxt time. {: sure it's funn! but a tiring day yeah. Spent quite alot. hahah! Decided to go home at 7 pm. Dad came, fetch tiff and me home. & so slacking now. & Yay! no school tmr. gonna sleep like a pig. so cyaaa~
12:19:00 AM
Dear maths...,
HELLLLLLLLLLLLOOOO. okay, another 10hrs++ till Math Paper 2!! ): Thanks to my f&n, i cant sleep but to finish it! Argh! Last paper tmr!! weee~ Had Chinese Oral, srewed up? I guess so. After tht, headed to ECP, macs, to study. I bet it sucks, I cant study! Everything in my mind when total blank when i flip through sec 3 bk to revise. had 8hrs of math tuition jus now, very tired now. D: So, dear maths, ILY! Please cooperate wiv mah brain tmr! Youre my only hope to pass the whole paper now. D: Muacks!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
12:04:00 AM
Today was funn! :D

Alright it's 12am++, yet not sleeping. Had no test tmr, Phew~ Had Geog MYE today, errm kinda prepared? change of question at the last 15 mins, hope I pass. Ended test ard 9.20? went ECP with Amanda, Amy, Tiff. walked all the way to Carls Jr. jus to eat, Think we are crazy? Yeah, hell we are. HAHAHAH! too free arh. Tiff & amanda went crazy along the way. After eating, Shannen came to meet us, walked back tgt. As usual, noisy, everyone kinda stares at us! ahahha! Fun yeah, go again after MYE. :D went math tuition dhen home sweet home. Slack! hahahaha. my only time to slack now. tmr, going for math tuition again. But i'm scared of oral, nt math. Shag.
Dun noe why this few days feel like deleting everything tht i hav created even blog. & now trying to survive without phone. Having mood swings? Thinking of going phoneless, so I'm uncontactable. hahah. Yeah, i know i'm crazy. Plus, most of my contacts were gone so it's = to be phoneless. (Y)
Alright have to go.
Monday, May 3, 2010
7:36:00 PM
Unprepared feeling sucks.
Okay, shall blog a short one. Woke up early today, Went for chem tuition for 3hrs. fun, i guess. (: home- eat lunch. Off for Maths tuition. 3hrs again. recap quite alot of past topics. 5pm, home. revising SS. ): fckkk SS! i dun noe how to cramp everything into my tiny brainy~ & so is bio. Well deactivated my FB, feel kinda better? No distractions. but sad. But will be back soon~ Alright gotta go. ((: P/s: Dear Bio & SS, I will be ur bestfriend tmr! So pluease, pluease, pleassseeee be mine and pass me!! ):
Saturday, May 1, 2010
2:56:00 PM
It's may, uhoh.

Finally, blogging. It's first MAY! Past few days was rather slacking but exams! Had NAPFA test, & still aching now.
Yst had F&N practical for N lvl, finally over. but f&n coursework wasnt over yet. oh man!
Waiting for: 13 more days so tht MYE is over, 25 more days to my birthday! YAY! i'm still unprepared for any exam, omgawd!! shall study now. ):
N lvl is so damn near now. D: